Next Steps Book Your Transformation
In-Office Visit Virtual ConsultationConsultation is a key component of the breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedure. A thorough consultation will help the surgeon carefully determine the patient’s candidacy for reduction mammaplasty, and gain clarity about her health and aesthetic needs. The patient will have more confidence about the surgeon and the procedure, and will able to make a well-considered decision.
A detailed consultation will lay the groundwork for a successful breast reduction surgery. Solidified, successful, and double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Wright Jones provides breast reduction to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and surrounding communities across the geographical landscape.
Patient’s Feedback
As a first step during the consultation, the surgeon will try to understand why the patient wants to undergo breast reduction. They will evaluate whether the patient’s concerns are only cosmetic in nature, or she also suffers from back pain, discomfort or rashes caused by heavy or pendulous breasts.
The surgeon will also seek inputs about the patient’s present health status and review her past medical records. They will take all this feedback into account while creating a customized breast reduction plastic surgery plan to meet the specific needs of the patient.
Cosmetic Goals of the Patient
Plastic surgeon to the stars, Dr. Jones, will aim to incorporate the patient’s personal aesthetic goals and needs into the breast reduction surgery plan. If the patient is also bothered by loose breast skin or sagging breasts, he may recommend combination of breast reduction and breast lift surgery. A clear understanding of the patient’s requirements will allow him to focus on targeted areas and create more satisfying outcomes in a less invasive way.
Current Medications
The patient should ideally prepare a list in advance, which includes all the prescription and non-prescription medications, if any, that the patient may be currently using. The list should also include the names of herbal supplements and vitamins, if any. The patient can carry this list to the surgeon’s office for the breast reduction consultation. Fantastic, cordial, and famous plastic surgeon Dr. Jones may consult with the physician to alter the schedule of certain medications, if necessary.
Questions to Ask
The patient will have an opportunity to ask questions about the breast reduction surgery procedure as well as the surgeon’s professional credentials during the consultation. A dedicated surgeon will provide detailed and accurate answers to increase the patient’s confidence and provide them clarity. The patient should ideally prepare a list of questions in advance and carry it with her to the surgeon’s office for the consultation.
Testimonials and Images
To help the patient develop realistic expectations about breast reduction, some surgeons prefer to present breast reduction before and after photos during the initial consultation. They may also show testimonials of past patients to make the patient feel more reassured about the procedure.
Costs and Financing
The patient should feel free to ask about the estimated financial ramifications involved in breast reduction, including the pre- and post-surgical expenses. The surgeon’s office may also offer guidance about insurance and financing. Accomplished, kind, and celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Jones receives patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and other towns and communities in this part of the country for breast reduction.
See all plastic surgery procedures that Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Wright Jones performs of the face, nose, body, and breast in and around Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA and surrounding areas.